Youth Jobs Strategy - increasing youth engagement and participation
The Tasmanian Government’s Youth Jobs Strategy has been released and will work to ensure the right supports, partnerships and policies are in place to help young Tasmanians navigate a smooth pathway through education, training or work.
Over the last 18 months the Department of State Growth (through Jobs Tasmania) and Department for Education, Children and Young People have undertaken an extensive program of research and consultation to ensure the strategy’s ambition and approach reflects the needs and aspirations of young people in Tasmania.
The Youth Jobs Strategy aims to increase youth engagement and participation in employment, further education or training by developing ways to align efforts to help young people to prepare for, engage with and sustain their employment, education and training journey, and to help employers and industry to attract, develop and retain skilled young employees for a thriving community and productive economy.
A Youth Jobs and Participation Taskforce will be established as an immediate priority to lead the development and implementation of the first two-year action plan.
The SETN team are eager to help deliver on this strategy and continue supporting youth in our region! We look forward to working together with employers and the community to create meaningful pathways for young people.
To find out more or to read the Youth Jobs Strategy please visit